The easiest way to qualify and manage your entire network of vendors, contractors, and suppliers.
Appruv brings hiring clients and their vendors together on one platform. Our goal with this project was to team up with Appruv and strategize a new approach to not only update the look and feel of their website, but also target specific users and streamline their user experience. Appruv needed to provide their users easy access to showcase their product by consulting with their leads and giving them a demo.
The existing website was lacking a good user experience and was outdated in visual design. But not only that, the website was not performing and not converting users and capturing the potential leads that were coming to the site. DIGITECH added a optimized lead funnel to capture the leads so that Appruv can easily consult with their customer and get them a demo. The new website showcases the capabilities of their software and delivers their brand messaging in a beautiful new design. The Solution